New Moon Rites of Passage

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Vision Questing


Six courageous women participated in the Coyote Canyon Vision Quest in early May, in Southeastern Utah, which I guided with my wonderful co-guide, Robert Wood. It was an intense ten days that will be long remembered by all!!

Not everyone is willing or able to take ten full days out of their busy modern lives to sit in talking circles, dig deep for the biggest questions of their lives, and be led by their hearts — to be alone for three days on the land, with minimal gear, a tarp for shelter and only water to drink.

We watched the "Butterfly Moon" rise. We spoke our hearts to each other, and listened with our whole beings—to each other and to ourselves, and to the Mystery that moves through all life.

For me, vision questing is unlike anything I do in my 'civilized' life. It takes me deeper, shows me more about WHAT IS REALLY REAL and challenges me more than my 'regular' life. It's an ancient, time-honored container for human beings to safely go to the Source and to get guidance as to who they are, why they are here, and what they have that the culture needs to be renewed and directed toward ever-greater wholeness.

Mostly, it's an experience that words cannot name. Questers who have come back from such an experience, perhaps like men who have been to war, cannot speak of their experience except to others who have been there.

But, that there are no words is a good thing. Because a quest is to be embodied. It is to be lived INTO. Speaking of it could never say as much as living it, day by day.

I honor these women who showed up fully, down in Coyote Canyon. The world is different because of what they did.